Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos
All photos copyright Denny Granstrand
Denny Granstrand can be e-mailed at
 24 albums, 6369 photos on 2 pages   [login] 
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Newest Photos
The newest photos added to the collection. Arranged chronologically by date seen with the most recent photos first.

Last changed on Jul 18, 2024. This album contains 17 items.

This album has been viewed 12 times since Jul 18, 2024.
Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota - two weeks in May 2024
I spent the last two weeks of May birding in the prairie grasslands in the upper plains states. There are many wonderful areas to bird and many exciting birds to see.

Last changed on Jun 09, 2024. This album contains 71 items.

This album has been viewed 3144 times since Apr 09, 2024.
Geese, swans and ducks

Last changed on Oct 03, 2023. This album contains 4 items.

This album has been viewed 25412 times since Jul 14, 2003.
Chachalaca, Quail, Grouse, Pheasants and Grebes

Last changed on May 04, 2024. This album contains 24 items.

This album has been viewed 3839 times since Dec 19, 2017.
Pigeons, Doves, Cuckoos, Roadrunners, Goatsuckers, Hummingbirds, Rails, Coots, Cranes

Last changed on May 03, 2024. This album contains 9 items.

This album has been viewed 4038 times since Dec 20, 2017.

Last changed on May 01, 2024. This album contains 27 items.

This album has been viewed 22094 times since Jul 14, 2003.
Jaegers, Alcids, Gulls, Terns, Skimmers

Last changed on Dec 06, 2023. This album contains 5 items.

This album has been viewed 27275 times since Jan 18, 2004.
Loons, Seabirds, Cormorants, Pelicans, Herons, Egrets, etc.

Last changed on Jan 12, 2024. This album contains 5 items.

This album has been viewed 22811 times since Jul 14, 2003.
vultures, eagles, hawks, falcons
Falcons are included here even though they are placed after Woodpeckers on the AOU checklist.

Last changed on Apr 07, 2024. This album contains 9 items.

This album has been viewed 16379 times since Oct 17, 2006.

Last changed on May 03, 2024. This album contains 19 items.

This album has been viewed 24472 times since Jul 14, 2003.
Trogons, Kingfishers, Parrots, etc

Last changed on May 02, 2024. This album contains 5 items.

This album has been viewed 22639 times since Jul 14, 2003.
22 Woodpeckers
Photos of all 22 of North America's nesting woodpeckers are here, including photos from Denny Granstrand's "2020 Woodpecker Big Year!"

Last changed on Apr 06, 2024. This album contains 25 items.

This album has been viewed 2289 times since Jan 31, 2020.
The perching birds

Last changed on May 04, 2024. This album contains 26 items.

This album has been viewed 23130 times since Jul 14, 2003.
Butterflies and Moths
Most of the butterflies in this folder were photographed in Yakima County in Washington State. There are folders here of butterflies in Arizona, Texas and Mexico. If you see a photo of a butterfly that is misidentified, please email me at

Last changed on Dec 06, 2023. This album contains 14 items.

This album has been viewed 33231 times since Jul 14, 2003.
Bumblebees and Miscellaneous Insects
The disappointing aspect of identifying bumble bees is that to identify many of them to species, you have to kill them, get your magnifying glass out, then work your way through the key. I don't do that. I just photograph them, then try to ID them.

Last changed on Apr 26, 2024. This album contains 52 items.

This album has been viewed 2238 times since Jul 05, 2018.
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