Oystercatchers - American and Black
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Shorebirds   

American Oystercatcher in flight at Corpus Christ Beach, Texas. Sept. 26, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 3374 times.
American Oystercatcher on the Rockport, TX waterfront. February 5, 2020.
Viewed: 894 times.
Black Oystercatchers at high tide on Oak Bay, Victoria, British Columbia. October 19, 2004.
Viewed: 2955 times.
Black Oystercatcher at Bodega Head near Bodega Bay, CA. July 24, 2005. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1167 times.
Another view of the Black Oystercatcher. Bodega Head, CA. July 24, 2005. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 3022 times.
Female Black Oystercatcher on the south side of Penn Cove, Whidbey Island, WA. April 2, 2007. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2497 times.
Male Black Oystercatcher at Penn Cove. April 2, 2007. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2437 times.
Balck Oystercatcher #2 at Penn Cove. April 2, 2007. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2470 times.
Female Black Oystercatcher #2 at Penn Cove. April 2, 2007. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2486 times.
Black Oystercatcher #5, taking a bath in Penn Cove. April 2, 2007. digiscoped.
Viewed: 2493 times.
Black Oystercatcher #6 at Penn Cove. April 2, 2007. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2425 times.
Juvenile Black Oystercatcher at Bodega Head, CA. July 24, 2005. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2983 times.
Black Oystercatcher adult and juvenile at Bodega Head, CA. July 24, 2005. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 3006 times.
Black Oystercatcher on a small rock island at Rosario Beach, Deception Pass State Park, WA. June 20, 2015. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1692 times.
Black Oystercatcher with one of its chicks at Rosario Beach, Deception Pass State Park, WA. June 20, 2015. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1756 times.
Black Oystercatchers at Hug Point south of Cannon Beach, OR. June 20, 2019.
Viewed: 1008 times.
Black Oystercatcher at Hug Point State Park south of Cannon Beach, OR. June 20, 2019.
Viewed: 1016 times.
Black Oystercatcher at Deadman Bay south of Lime Kiln State Park, San Juan Island, WA. June 14, 2021.
Viewed: 613 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Shorebirds   
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