Album: Baird's Sandpipers
Changed: Apr 06, 2024.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 2681 times.
| Little Stint at the Yakima River Delta, Richland, WA. August 10, 2004. Digiscoped at quite a distance. Viewed: 611 times.
| Another shot of the Little Stint at the Yakima River Delta, Richland, WA. August 10, 2004. Digiscoped at quite a distance. Viewed: 619 times.
| Album: Least Sandpiper
Changed: Dec 21, 2017.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 916 times.
| Album: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Changed: Nov 13, 2023.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 936 times.
| Album: Western Sandpiper
Changed: Jan 21, 2021.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 1334 times.