Vultures, California Condor
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: vultures, eagles, hawks, falcons    

California Condor soaring along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 1406 times.
California Condor soaring along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 1400 times.
California Condor soaring along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 1333 times.
Immature California Condor along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 2330 times.
California Condor along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 2275 times.
California Condor along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 2216 times.
California Condor along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 2278 times.
California Condor along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 2387 times.
California Condor along a beach-side cliff just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA. June 17, 2012.
Viewed: 2296 times.
A whale carcass, on the beach just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA, since February, attracted California Condors, Turkey Vultures and gulls. The condor was at the top of the pecking order. June 17, 2012. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2349 times.
California Condor climbing to a better perch on the cliff above the beach just north of Julia Pheiffer Burns State Park south of Big Sur, CA.. June 18, 2012.
Viewed: 2333 times.
Two California Condors either squabbling or flirting. With some couples it is hard to tell the difference. Number 71 hatched May 25, 1997 at the Los Angeles Zoo. June 18, 2012.
Viewed: 2503 times.
A California Condor soaring above the cliffs to the west of the Chaparral Trailhead parking area in Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, CA. Sept. 15, 2018.
Viewed: 1313 times.
A second California Condor soaring above the cliffs to the west of the Chaparral Trailhead parking area in Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, CA. Sept. 15, 2018.
Viewed: 1371 times.
California Condor "V1" (hatched May 29, 2017 at the Oregon Zoo) resting on Navaho Bridge across the Colorado River southwest of Page, Arizona. November 8, 2021.
Viewed: 686 times.
California Condor "V5" (hatched May 18, 2017 at the World Center for Birds of Prey) sunning itself on the Navaho Bridge across the Colorado River south of Page, Arizona. November 8, 2021.
Viewed: 684 times.
California Condor "V7" (hatched May 23, 2017 in the wild) sitting on rock overlooking the Colorado River near Navaho Bridge south of Page, Arizona. November 8, 2021.
Viewed: 675 times.
Another shot of California Condor "V7" sunning itself on a rock overlooking the Colorado River near Navaho Bridge south of Page, Arizona. November 8, 2021.
Viewed: 690 times.
California Condors XO (hatched April 24, 2018 at the World Center for Birds of Prey) and VH (hatched May 25, 2017 at the World Center for Birds of Prey) on Navajo Bridge over the Colorado River south of Page, Arizona. November 14, 2022.
Viewed: 334 times.
Fledgling California Condor on the cliff along the Colorado River just north of Navajo Bridge south of Page, Arizona. It had just recently left the nest and was still not taken its first flight. November 14, 2022.
Viewed: 341 times.
Black Vulture at Emma Long Metropolitan Park in Austin, TX. May 24, 2007.
Viewed: 1486 times.
Black Vulture over Anzalduas County Park south of Mission, Texas. Feb. 8, 2008.
Viewed: 3292 times.
Black Vulture eating a dead skunk in Ink Lake State Park, Burnet County, Texas. November 21, 2022.
Viewed: 453 times.
Black Vulture soaring over Berry Springs Park in Georgetown, Texas. January 27, 2023.
Viewed: 357 times.
Turkey Vulture soaring over Anzalduas County Park south of Mission, Texas. Feb. 8, 2008.
Viewed: 3420 times.
Turkey Vulture along SR 231 south of Chewelah, Stephens County, WA. July 8, 2008. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2915 times.
Turkey Vultures in the Idlewild Campground north of Burns, OR. May 31, 2009. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2742 times.
Turkey Vultures along the Proctor Road Trail at the start of Madera Canyon, AZ. June 18, 2010. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2653 times.
Turkey Vulture at the west end of the Hause Creek Campground along SR 12 west of Naches, WA. May 31, 2014. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2039 times.
Turkey Vulture, one of six, waiting for the gulls to clear away from the whale carcass at Midway Beach south of Grayland, WA. Aug. 30, 2014.
Viewed: 2030 times.
Turkey Vulture near Livermore, CA. June 20, 2012.
Viewed: 2273 times.
Turkey Vultures sunning themselves near the Hause Creek Campground along SR 12 west of Naches, WA. June 13, 2015.
Viewed: 1934 times.
Turkey Vulture soaring over the Hause Creek Campground along SR 12 west of Naches, WA. June 13, 2015.
Viewed: 1885 times.
Turkey Vultures at the Cedar Park Regional Medical Center lake and park, Cedar Park, TX. Oct. 31, 2016.
Viewed: 1803 times.
Turkey Vulture guarding a Red-throated Loon that washed up on the beach at Pismo Beach, CA. It drove off two other vultures, a Red-tailed Hawk and several gulls. March 1, 2018.
Viewed: 1396 times.
Turkey Vulture in the Cedar Hill Cemetery, Ozona, Texas. November 22, 2021.
Viewed: 679 times.
Turkey Vulture soaring over Night Sky Road, Marana, Arizona. March 10, 2023.
Viewed: 404 times.
Immature California Condor perched on Navajo Bridge over the Colorado River in Coconino County, Arizona. July 31, 2024.
Viewed: 126 times.
Turkey Vulture soaring over the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Ozona, Texas. November 23, 2024.
Viewed: 66 times.
Black Vulture soaring over the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Ozona, Texas. November 23, 2024.
Viewed: 75 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: vultures, eagles, hawks, falcons    
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