Turnstones - Ruddy and Black
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 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Shorebirds   

Ruddy Turnstone at the Milford Point/Wheeler Wildlife Area near Milford, CT. August 17, 2002.
Viewed: 753 times.
Ruddy Turnstone in Bodega Bay, CA. July 23, 2005. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2961 times.
Adult winter-plumaged Ruddy Turnstone on the Westport, WA, jetty. Sept. 3, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2640 times.
Adult Ruddy Turnstone searching for food on the Westport, WA, jetty. Sept. 3, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2691 times.
Juvenile Ruddy Turnstone on the Westport, WA, jetty. Sept. 3, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2604 times.
Ruddy Turnstone picking at a pile of seaweed on Bottle Beach, Grays Harbor County, WA. Oct. 20, 2006. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 2650 times.
Ruddy Turnstone at Bottle Beach State Park, Grays Harbor County, WA. Sept. 1, 2013. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1870 times.
Ruddy Turnstones at Goose Island State Park north of Rockport, TX. February 4, 2020.
Viewed: 901 times.
Ruddy Turnstone in winter (basic) plumage on the Point Brown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. Aug. 31, 2014. Nikon Coolpix P510.
Viewed: 1878 times.
Ruddy Turnstone at Dauphin Park in Corpus Christi, Texas. November 27, 2023.
Viewed: 119 times.
Black Turnstone on the Point Brown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. Sept. 13, 2003.
Viewed: 2957 times.
Black Turnstone on the Westport, WA, jetty. Sept. 3, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2470 times.
Black Turnstone below Fisherman's Wharf at the Westport, WA, marina. Oct. 19, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2575 times.
Black Turnstones and Surfbirds below Fisherman's Wharf, Westport, WA, marina. Oct. 19, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2592 times.
Black Turnstones and Surfbirds in flight. Oct. 19, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2612 times.
Black Turnstone on the Point Prown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. Nov. 24, 2006. Panasonic DMC-FZ20.
Viewed: 2538 times.
Black Turnstone in nonbreeding plumage on the Point Brown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. August 29, 2009. Panasonic DMC-FZ28.
Viewed: 2325 times.
Black Turnstone on the Point Brown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. Nov. 12, 2011. Panasonic DMC-FZ28.
Viewed: 2053 times.
Black Turnstone at the Willapa Bay Interpretive Center, Oysterville, WA. Aug. 11, 2014. Digiscoped.
Viewed: 1713 times.
Black Turnstone on the Point Brown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. Aug. 31, 2014. Nikon Coolpix P510.
Viewed: 1799 times.
Black Turnstones at the Point Brown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. Sept. 26, 2015. Nikon Coolpix P600.
Viewed: 1711 times.
Black Turnstone on the small jetty to the south of the viewing platform at the northwest corner of the Westport, WA marina parking lot. September 12, 2021.
Viewed: 597 times.
Black Turnstone on the Point Brown Jetty, Ocean Shores, WA. October 7, 2021.
Viewed: 626 times.
 Gallery: Denny Granstrand's Wildlife Photos  Album: Shorebirds   
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